March Africa Trip Summary & Progress

Cutting the ribbon

In March 2017, Jeff Peterson, owner of Geoffrey's Malibu, took a trip down to Malawi to check in on the progress of the Rise Malawi project. The ultimate goal of the project is to build a premier educational and ministry campus. 

Highlights of the Rise Malawi project include:

  • Building a well for school kids so they can get access to clean drinking water (in progress)

  • Building teacher housing so teachers don't have to commute as far to school (in progress)

  • Cultivating land to extend the school (in progress)

  • Building a library and computer lab (in progress)

  • Building a second boys dorm (in progress)

  • Building a pavilion to seat 250 children so they can eat and do their homework in a covered area (complete)

  • Building a kitchen and pavilion (complete)

  • And much more...

Below is a video highlighting Jeff's most recent trip to Africa! We hope this video is able to showcase some of the projects he has been working on with Urban Promise International and Malibu Pres.